The origin and development of BELBOGLI KURASH

The origin of Uzbek national KURASH begins from ancient times and this proved by several historical memorials.

Presently, Archeological excavations in Uzbekistan have revealed ancient paintings depicting methods of fighting, including methods of peaceful settlement of disputes and capture of the enemy.

It is important to mention, that before the competitions, exercises whith throwing, jumping, and demonstration of strength were performed. They served as a means of warming up the opponents before the matches. Wrestlers began to fight by holding each other's leather belts or different parts of their outer clothing. After completing the method of throwing the opponent to the ground, great attention is paid to the hooking of the legs and the method of striking.

In the peoples living in the territory of Uzbekistan, the competition continued until the first throw. These competitions were held to the sound of national music and the winner of the competition was highly respected by the people.

During the years of independence of Uzbekistan, significant changes began to occur in the sport of Belbogli Kurash. Firstly, the first Belbogli Kurash federation was founded in 2001. The federation officially began to operate on the basis of a certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice according to the order 506 on
February 1, 2002.

The rules of competition on Belbogli Kurash

Competition is a part of the training process. The goal of participating in competitions is to win or to occupy the highest possible places. During the training process, it is usually not possible to create conditions for the athlete to demonstrate at a high level all the qualities that help him achieve high sports results. Every athlete strives to defeat his opponent and this desire requires the athlete to mobilize all his abilities during the competitions. It not only allows to show the functional capabilities of a person, but also serves as a means of their formation.

Competitions help to solve the following tasks:

  • to determine the state of training work in the sports team;
  • determine the level of training of wrestlers;
  • to complete the educational and training work at each stage of preparation;
  • to help promote wrestling and increase the number of participants.

According to the characteristics of the Belbogli Kurash competitions, they are as follows

  1. individual;
  2. collective;
  3. individual-collective;
  4. classification.

In individual competitions, the places taken by the participants in each weight category are determined. In collective competitions, the place of the teams will be determined. In individual-collective competitions, the places occupied by the participants and teams are determined at the same time. In classification competitions - it can be held for the purpose of collecting sport ranks, rating points, and qualifying participants for the Olympic Games, depending on the places occupied by the participants.

The results shown by the participants are taken into account when awarding or confirming the titles and ranks according to the sport categories.

According to the method of organizing the competitions, they are divided into the following;

а) Circulation system;

b) Circulation-exclusion system;

c) Mixed system;

d) Olympic system.

According to the stages of the competitions, they are divided into district, region, Republic, Asia, World and others. The concepts of championship and primacy in competitions are understood differently. Actually, due to the fact that they are similar in terms of content and essence, it creates a debate among experts. These concepts also require their precise definition.

The "Championship" refers to competitions held for district, regional, republican, Asian, and world championships among adults only according to the stage of the competition. The wrestler who takes the first place in these championships will be awarded the title of "champion".

The Championships are planned to be held once a year according to the stage of the competition in wrestling. The Primacy refers to the competitions held to win the first place among people of other ages than adults (teenagers, young people, veterans) according to the stage of the competition. The wrestler who takes the first place in these championships will have the title of "winner".


The board of referees for serving in the competitions is appointed by the referee commission of the Belbogli Kurash Federation and approved by the sports organization holding the competition. The board of referees consists of the chief referee, chief secretary, mat leader, arbitrator, assistant referee, stopwatch-referee, informant-referee, competition doctor.

The Chief Referee heads the panel of judges at the competition, is responsible for the organization of the competition and the relevant wrestling federation for the conduct of the competition.

Before the start of the competition, the chief referee must check the fitness of the sports hall where the competition will be held, rooms for the secretariat, equipment, tools, necessary documents and their compliance with the current regulations.
